News about ransomware or otherwise known as malware attacks keep on pouring in from different regions of the world. It does raises concerns in the minds of the enterprises owners and also NAS storage solutions providers. Coming up with a way of countering and preventing these attacks is crucial more than ever.
The question arises what should be done and how to avoid these attacks. The old answer was to strengthen your passwords by adding symbols, lowercase and upper case and other things to make it stronger and harder to break.
I am afraid this answer is not valid or so effective any more in today’s world. The reason is that with time, the cybercrimes and criminals have grown to such an extent that it seems quite a challenge now to prevent the systems and databases from being attacked by malwares.
In the most recent attacks, NAS storage devices of Synology, Free NAS and other vendors have been attacked by ransomware and hence posed more financial loss to the enterprises losing their data access.
Let us keep in mind that we are here talking about the encryption based ransomware which has proved to have the ability to deceive the anti-malware software at times. It is the reason why the data protection and security systems must be consolidated enough to cope up with the challenge posed by the ransom attacks.
The solution for this problem is a NAS storage solution which offers three main features that minimizes the chances of ransomware attacks penetrating through the security barriers. These three features are introduces and briefly explained below;
· Antimalware
· Snapshot
· Transportable Storage
Antimalware is a software that is responsible for figuring out and preventing any abnormal attempts to sneak in through or breaking through the passwords of the admin’s log in credentials of a database. If the backup solution has an upgraded and strong anti-malware software, there are chances of countering the brute force exerted by the cyber crooks.
The Affordable NAS storage appliances offer the antimalware to the enterprises so that they not only are able to keep the data stored and backed up at a safe location to the storage archive but also is protected by actively confronting with these malware attacks.
Snapshot is another feature of backup solution that makes sure there is the least time wasted in getting data backed up and running again. A snapshot actually takes a snapshot of your data. As soon as the ransomware attack affects your system, you can go back to the last snapshot taken. In this way only one day’s data or whatever time it was when you took the last snapshot, is lost only.
On the contrary, if there is no efficient backup system in place, weeks or even months can be wasted in getting back to the data which was lost.
Transportable Storage
The third feature of the NAS storage which can be helpful in this case is the Transportable storage. It allows you to cut off the data from the attack and hence allows you to take your drive and attach it to another server and keep running your business. It helps in preventing the ransom attack from spreading through the files of data.
In this way you can save major portion of your data by isolating the data from the encryption being done by the ransomware attackers. Transporting your data to another safe server can allow to still have a sufficient amount of mission critical data, to serve your purpose of keeping the business running.
Having discussed these three features of a NAS storage solution, it sounds pretty promising that the data can possibly be protected from the scariest nightmare which is called ransomware. NAS storage provides adequately efficient features to cope with these attacks.